Koda – Fox Red Labrador

Koda is a gorgeous fox red with a show line pedigree, don’t let his looks fool you he is as intense as any dog in the field and always ready to work. Koda had adapted well to new situations and learning new skills in the field. He has proven himself to be a great hunting companion, but also to be able to switch gears to run hunt tests, and also have an off switch that is unmatched when is in our home. Koda at this time is working towards finishing his senior title, along with starting work to earn his HRCH. Koda completed in the finals in the puppy division and amateur divisions in the National Bird Dog Circuit before one year of age.
*At Stud*
Whelp Date: 03/23/2014
OFA Hips: LR-220355G24M-VPI
OFA Elbow: LR-EL72578M24-VPI
CNM: Clear
EIC: Clear
Senior Hunter- 2 passes
Ryder – Fox Red Labrador
Ryder loves to work and retrieve more than anything else. He has great stamina and a willingness to learn, he is incredibly proud and earned his first started pass at just under 5 months old. Ryder is primarily used as an upland guide dog where he has excelled. He does everything with style and dedication. Ryder does not have the in your face personality that a lot of dogs with his level of drive have, he will quickly become your best friend, and will never disappoint you in the field.
*At Stud
Whelp Date: 03/31/2016
Chocolate Factored
OFA Hips: LR-232963E24M-VPI
OFA Elbow: LR-EL83317M24-VPI
CNM: Clear
EIC: Carrier
Thor – Chocolate Labrador
Thor is something else in that he is stunning looks wise with the cunning of a fox. He is incredibly smart and is always looking forward to his newest and next adventure. He has the light of life in his eyes and is so eager to please. His father is incredibly accomplished with a bigger blocky head just like Thor, who is quickly following in his fathers footsteps and is sure not to disappoint!
Whelp Date: 06/01/2016
OFA Hips: LR-234709G24M-VPI
OFA Elbow: LR-EL84827M24-VPI
CNM: Clear
EIC: Clear